Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Year Later

So it's been a year since I started this blog, marking when we started looking at Fox's developmental issues in earnest and trying to correct it.  So how has the progress gone?

While it's been slower than I would have liked, I have to admit that we've come a long way!  Fox is making a lot of sounds, he's got a lot of signs and I'd even say he has a few "words" (even if they're just what they call "approximations").  For example, to say down Fox will say "da".  It would be nicer if he was initiating conversations more but baby steps, right?

What else is going on... well, Lisa's been attending the More Than Words program at Kidsability, which is a parent-led speech program for children with developmental delays like Austim.  And we finally are off the waitlist for Occupational Therapy at Kidsability and will be starting OT shortly.  And Fox has been attending school at Westvale for the last little while and is really enjoying it so far.

We've also been working with our RDI consultant with different activities.  And of course we are still doing ABA and we're on the waitlist at ErinOaks kids for IBI.

If this sounds like a lot of stuff, it's because it is!  This is not to mention all the other stuff going on in our lives, like taking care of a 6 month old.  So I think all things considered we're doing alright.  We've decided to pull back from RDI for the summer to allow time for the other programs we're attending to be over with, so that we can focus more effectively.

The next big thing is potty training.  In consideration of all that was going on and the fact that it was still pretty cold, we decided to push off going cold turkey on diapers until the weather got nice.  Now that spring has apparently sprung, we'll be starting that any time.  To be honest with you, I'm not looking forward to it - toddler poo is gross!


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