Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Complex Team Assessment

So we got the results of the Complex Developmental Team Assessment from KidsAbility in late November, but I've been busy with a colicky newborn to do any updates. I think I'll just go for smaller bite-sized updates rather than big sprawling affairs, as that seems more likely that I'll do more regular updates.

So, onto the summary: it should come as no surprise that they determined that Fox has delays in understanding of language, expression of language, speech sound development and interaction with others. Recommendations that came out of the summary report were many, but here are some of the highlights:

- They feel that Fox would benefit from speech and language intervention in the Early Years Program at KidsAbility. Of course, that means getting on a waitlist. The program is the More Than Words program, which includes buying the book of the same name. Fortunately, we've already done that part so we're ahead on that score.

- They feel that Fox would benefit from occupational therapy through the Early Years Growth and Development program at KidsAbility (you guessed it, another waitlist). In the meantime we were provided handouts to suggest ways to address sensory processing, fine motor skills, pre-printing and self care skills.

- They suggested that we participate in the KidsAbility parent education group "Understanding Our Sensory World Around Us" when the next one comes up in Spring 2009.

- They also suggested sending Fox to a structured daycare/preschool setting on a consistent basis. I think this is the suggestion I'm most skeptical about. It seems like being in an environment where there are only a few other of his peers (as he is right now) would be better as his caregiver can give him more attention. Plus there is no lack of opportunities to interact with children of around his age; he just doesn't seem to have any interest in it. Still waiting to be convinced on this one, frankly.

- We also have access to a social worker, if need be.

- And a number of links to autism sites were provided:
The OT determined that Fox has issues with Sensory Integration, particularly with the tactile (touch), vestibular (balance), proprioception (body awareness), visual and auditory senses. I think smell and taste are only left out because he can't tell us that he doesn't like what he smells :)

We were given a bunch of strategies to try to address these issues, and picked up a couple of books on the subject: Raising a Sensory Smart Child by Lindsay Biel and Nancy Peske and Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder by Lucy Jane Miller are the two we've picked up for that right now. I'm reading through the first, haven't started the second.

In any case, the IBI therapy continues and I'm starting to notice some improvements. Fox has become much more vocal, actually going so far as to do some multisyllabic babbling. He also will imitate some sounds now, like 'ba' and the 't' sound. He also has a very wide array of signs that he seems to have mastered, the problem still being that he doesn't really initiate communication. Oh well, one step at a time, I suppose.

We also finally meet with the RDI consultant as well this Friday, which will be interesting to see how that works - hopefully I'll have an update on that Friday or Saturday.

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