Friday, May 16, 2008


Where to begin? My name is Duan, and I'm the father of Fox. Fox will be two years old in June, and he doesn't speak a word. Needless to say, we were becoming a little concerned. We contacted the good people at Kidsability and they put us on their 4-5 month (!) waiting list for assessment, but in the meantime we attended a session intended to give parents some information on speech development.

One of the things we were told to do was keep a log of our child's speech development. And being a big geek, I of course decided to make a blog.

So, I'm starting this blog for a couple of reasons:

1) Primarily, as a record of Fox's development.
2) Allow family and friends to follow along in the peanut gallery.
3) Disseminate some of the information that comes our way on developmental issues. If it helps someone then my work here is done.

So the homework given us at the session was to make a log every day of the words Fox uses and what they sound like when he says them. So right now, I can say he's made sounds, but can't say that he says anything with any consistency. So zilch on the list so far.

In the meantime, we've stumbled on to the CHILD Health Fair here in Waterloo region, where they have professionals who do assessments free of charge. Hopefully that'll let us know if we're dealing with a late bloomer, or something more serious. We've also borrowed It Takes Two to Talk from the Kidsability library. Let's see where that gets us.


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