Thursday, May 17, 2012

Year Five

This seems to becoming a yearly ritual, where I give a single update on Fox's progress on the anniversary of starting the blog before disappearing into the ether for another year.  So this year is no different.

First of all, Fox has been attending public senior kindergarten on Monday, Wednesday and alternating Friday mornings.  He has a modified day and is at school for about 2 1/2 hours.  Currently he has a dedicated EA which we love, his teacher is kind, caring and understanding and things are mostly good.  Mostly I must say, because the school board itself seems to be keen to change the system.  For our part, we send him to school to socialize.  He has IBI on his days off, so he's still getting the rote learning, but the piece that is a lot harder for us is to have peers to model behaviour from.

Of course this is the thing the school board seems keenest to change.  They keep trying to pressure us to put him in a segregated class with other special needs children, which we tried last year and felt did not go so well.  They keep telling us that we won't be able to keep our EA, even though we've already been accomodating enough to only send him to school for a couple hours at a time instead of the full day he's technically entitled to. And on and on.  We've filed for an IPRC, which will hopefully get everything in writing so that everyone's on the same page.

Besides school, this has been a big year for physical activity, with Fox taking part in skating, skiing, rock climbing and horse back riding to name a few of the things he really likes.

Fox has come a long way, and we're very proud of him.  He still doesn't have many words, but he does have a few verbalizations that are coming close.  So we should hopefully have another eventful year coming up!