Sunday, August 7, 2011

MNRI Conference, part the second

So I had originally planned to do a daily update but then I didn't. After six hours a day of therapy, I was feeling pretty ticketed out, even though I wasn't the one on the table. I had written some compiled thoughts over the 8 days originally, but then Ruby went ahead and deleted the software I was using to blog and thus the draft I had done up. So my update will be much shorter than originally planned.

So in the balance, it was a mostly positive experience. We learned a lot and Fox was really good on the table, which surprised even us. He's been pretty good on the table at home, but then we've never had 6 one-hour sessions for four days straight, a one day break and then another four days. We had some really good MNRI specialists and even got some personal attention from Dr. Masgutova herself.

Our issue really was that we hoped to make a lot more progress in our time at the camp. Oh, they assure us that we'll see changes and we've seen enough improvements in the past to trust that what they say is true, it just seems like we didn't see see any miraculous changes as pretty much everyone else we know has.

In any case, the conference was so intense that we were told not to do any reflex work for a week afterward. So we're coming to the end of that week, and have started to plot out our next steps and Fox's home program. We've got a lot of work ahead of us. Let's hope things go better from here on out!

Location:Karlsfeld Rd,Waterloo,Canada